科技论坛 2016.14 BIM信息技术在建筑设计中的应用 肖洪涛 (黄淮学院,河南驻马店,463000) 摘要:随着时代的发展,建筑工程行业得到了蓬勃发展,建筑设计在建筑工程行业的发展过程当中有着极其重要的意义,科学 的建筑设计能够确保建筑施工质量的提升.由于科技的发展,M信息技术的出现及应用,有效的改变了当前建筑设计的现 状,在建筑设计项目中有着较大的优势,BIM信息技术的应用促进了建筑设计项目质量的提升.本文从BIM信息技术的内涵 及其特点着手,分析其在建筑设计项目中应用的优势,探究其在建筑设计中的应用. 关键词:BIM信息技术;建筑设计;应用 BIM Application of Information Technology in Architectural Design Xiao Hongtao (HuangHuai University Zhumadian Henan 463000) Abstract:With the development of the times the construction industry has been booming architectural design in the development process of the construction industry which has an extremely important scientific architectural design to ensure the construction quality of the building upgrade.Since the development of science and technology the emergence of information technology and application of BIM effectively change the current status of architectural design with a large advantage in the architectural design project the application of information technology to promote the BIM architectural design to enhance project quality. From BIM IT connotation and its characteristics analyzes the advantages of its application in architectural design projects explore its application in architectural de...
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