第32卷第1期 北京建筑大学学报 Vol.32 No.I 2016年3月 Journal of Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture Mar.2016 文章编号:1004-6011(2016)01-0012-04 从城市入手的建筑设计策略研究 翟玉琨,俞天琦 (北京建筑大学建筑与城市规划学院,北京100044) 摘要:在城市快速的扩张与发展过程中,产生了诸多的城市问题,而建筑作为城市建设的重要要 素之一,成为了解决城市问题的途径之一,通过对城市建筑理论的分析,研究了国外的城市建筑设 计策略,进而分析了URBANUS都市实践从城市入手的建筑设计策略的特点与优势.也就是说,要 通过城市分析,找到建筑对城市产生影响的方面,进而用建筑介入与填空的方式解决城市问题,为 人们提供更好的城市与生活环境. 关键词:城市分析;建筑设计;都市实践 中图分类号:TU201.1 文献标志码:A Study on Architecture Design Strategy from the Perspective of the City Zhai Yukun Yu Tianqi School of Architecture and Urban Planning Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture Beijing 100044) Abstract:In the urban expansion and development many urban problems are produced.As one of the important elements of city construction architecture is one of the ways to solve the urban problems.In this paper urban architecture theory is analyzed and the design strategy of urban architecture in foreign countries is studied also.And then the architectural design strategy from the city used by URBANUS is studied.It means that through urban analysis the contact between cities and architectures can be found so that the urban problems will be solved and a better...
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