doi:10.3969/.issn.1671-9107.2015.12.017 商业建筑设计研究—以潜能商都为例 Study on Commercial Building Design—A Case Study of Qianneng Commercial Center 刘宇 理论与建筑设计 (中机中联工程有限公司,重庆400039) 摘要:潜能商都位于重庆市铜梁区核心区商图,是一栋商业和办公功能结合的综合体项目.该文首先介绍了项目的概况,分析了项目的区住和周 边的环境以及配套设施,交代了场地的特征.通过对场地的分析,得到建筑的形体功能布局,并设计了建筑的标高和人行流线,车行流线以及消 防流线.然后介绍了建筑内部的设计,包括裙房商场内部的商业模式、商场的业态组成与分布、消费者在商场中的水平流线与垂直流线、商场的 防火分区与安全疏散流线,以及办公塔楼的设计,最后是建筑的立面设计. 关键词:商业建筑:规划布局:建筑设计:流线 中图分类号:TU247文献标识码:A文章编号:1671-9107(2015)12-0017-04 Abstract:Qianneng mercial center located in the core central business district of Tongliang District Chongqing District is a mercial and office function of the bination of the plex project.This paper first introduces the general situation of the project analyzes the location of the project and the surrounding environment and supporting facilities and explains the characteristics of the site.Through the analysis of the site form of the building functional layout and the design of the building elevation and people flow streamline garage and fire streamline.It then introduces the building interior design including podium inside the mall business model shopping malls position and distribution consumers in shopping...
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