118 重型机械 2010(S2) 在生活中自然的交往—一从大杂院谈居住建筑设计 于杨 (陕西冶金设计研究院有限公司,陕西西安710032) 摘要:本文通过对当代城市住宅与大杂院交往模式的比较,分析了当代城市住宅所存在的一些 问题及其产生原因,探讨了开放式住宅的居住模式,希望令更多的人来探讨这一问题,使这关键的一 环不再缺失,从而塑造出美好宜人的城市人居环境. 关键词:大杂院;空间层次;交往特征:中国传统空间形态 中图分类号:TU2文献标识码:A文章编号:1001-196X(2010)S2-0118-03 Na tural m unication in daily life-d iscuss the resid ing architectural des ign fram the courtyard YU Y ang (ShaanxiM eta llurgical D esign Research Institute Co Ltd X ian 710032 Ch ina) Abstract By paring the m ode of oomm un ication in modem urban residen tial bu id ings w ith that in caurt yard th is article ana lyzed same problems existed in m ode m urban residential bu ildings and ts causes dis cussed the residen tialmode of probative open ing residence and ind icated that as Ch inese traditional spatialm od el w ith the time changes the physical om of the open ing res idential mode is d isappearing from the stage of h istory gradua lly but its spiritual connotation is aways send ing out the in finite cham. Key words courtyard space evek featu res of the munication and Ch inese traditional and residential spatialmodel 大杂院的形成源于传统合院.随着人口的增共同构成了家以外的一系列共享空间.其中,大 多,年代的变迁,独户居住的传统合院住宅才逐杂院作为家与胡同之间过渡的一环,是邻里交往 步演变为多户混居的大杂院.以血...
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