西安理工大学学报Journal of Xi'an University of Technology(2014)Vol.30No.3 315 文章编号:1006-4710(2014)03-0315-05 基于热舒适改善的 陕南乡村民居被动式建筑设计策略 赵钦,刘蓬晨,朱轶韵,桑国臣 (西安理工大学土木建筑工程学院,陕西西安710048) 摘要:对陕南乡村民居建筑的围护结构特点与室内热状况进行实地调查,结果显示,乡村建筑由于 缺乏科学设计,围护结构热工性能差、建筑能耗高、室内热环境不理想等问题尤为突出.结合陕南 气候条件,利用Ecotect软件分析各种被动式设计手段对室内热舒适的影响,以当地的典型砖混民 居为例,对比分析了采用被动式设计技术前后的室内热环境变化,结果表明,该地区乡村民居采用 适宜性被动式设计技术可有效提高室内热环境质量,本研究可为陕南及同类地区的乡村民居设计 提供理论参考. 关键词:陕南民居;室内热环境;调研分析;设计策略 中图分类号:TU241.4 文献标志码:A Rural residence passive design strategies in Southern Shaanxi based on improving thermal fort ZHAO Qin LIU Pengchen ZHU Yiyun SANG Guochen (Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture Xi'an University of Technology Xi'an 710048 China) Abstract:The field survey is made of building envelope characteristics and indoor thermal condi- tions of residence in southern Shaanxi.The results show that owing to lack of scientific design in the current rural buildings there are such protruding problems as poor thermal performance of building envelope high energy consumption undesirable indoor thermal environment ete.Com- bined with the climate condition in southern Shaanxi Ecotect software is used to analyze various passive design methods on the influen...