学鱼兔w letutu. 江苏建筑2012年第4期(总第149期) 15 浅析沿街商业建筑设计 施鸣 (南京长江都市建筑设计股份有限公司,江苏南京210002) [摘要]文章提出了沿街商业建筑的商业价值决定了其视觉通透、形象丰富的建筑取向、其建筑形象应面向大众追求流 行时尚而不是追求永恒、其排除机动车组成步行街是最理想商业街形态的观点,国绕所提观点对沿街商业建筑设计展开了 浅析,并结合实例为之佐证. [关键词]商业价值:面向大众;理想商业街 [中图分类号]TU247[文献标识码]A[文章编号]1005-6270(2012)04-0015-03 Analysis of the Design of the Commercial Buildings along Streets SHI Ming (Nanjing Yangtze River Urban Architectural Design Company Limited Nanjing Jiangsu 210002 China) Abstract:In this paper the author puts forward the points of view that the mercial value of the mercial buildings along the streets demands that they should be designed in rich forms with transparent outlook to some degree and that their architectural form should be popular tending to be fashionable rather than eternal and that the ideal mercial streets should be formed by the mercial buildings so designed without auto mobiles going through them.The author tries to analyze the design of the mercial buildings along the streets on the above points of view and also provides some typical examples. Key words:mercial value;be popular;the ideal mercial street 1商业价值决定建筑取向 工艺、材料的精致,又拉近了顾客和建筑内商品的距离,尽 沿街商业建筑的商业价值在于吸引顾客、尽可能让顾可能实现了沿街...
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