勘测设计 发电设计生物质发电厂的建筑设计 电力 生物质发电厂的建筑设计 赵蕾,耿霏,刘志民,宋飞 (北京国电华信诚电力技术咨询有限公司,北京100029) 摘要:生物质发电作为近几年清洁可再生能源,已成为最具开发利用潜力的新能源之一,具有较好的经济、 生态和社会效益,本文介绍了建筑专业设计要体现新世纪电厂的新思路及生物质能源的特点,并以香河生物 质发电工程生物质发电项目建筑设计特点进行论述,为今后生物质发电项目建筑设计提供参考. 关键词:工艺流程:建筑设计;生物质发电厂. 中图分类号:TM611文献标志码:B文章编号:1671-9913(2013)03-0053-04 Building Design on Biomass Power Plant ZHAO Lei GENG Fei LIU Zhi-min SONG Fei (Beijing G uodian Huaxincheng Power Technology Co. Ltd. Beijing 100029 China) Abstract:Biomass power generation as clean and renewable energy has bee one of the most development and utilization of potential new energy better economic ecological and social benefits.This article describes the design of building professionals should reflect the characteristics of the new ideas and biomass energy power plant in the new century on Xianghe biomass power generation project of biomass power generation project architectural design features are discussed provide a reference for the architectural design of the biomass power generation projects in the future. Key words:process;building design;biomass power plants. 1概述 节能效益、社会效益和环境效益的现代化生物 质发电工程,其建筑设计就必须与工艺完美结 中国是一个农业大国,生物质资源十分丰 富,各种农作物每年产生秸秆6×10t 其中可 合,满足工艺生产的各项要求,并充分体现生 以作为能源使用的约4...
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