文化建筑理论与实践来列 文化营造 世界当代大学建筑设计 UNIVERSITY ARCHITECTURE 伊梭慷编著 江苏人民出版社 凤凰出版传媒股份有限公司 凤凰空间 荣誉 .ifengspace.cn销售电话:86-22-6026-6193 疯凰空画 HOENDX PUBLISHING&EA.N时 器 IFENGSPACE 出品 投稿:tougao@ifengspace.,翻版 新浪微博 8 中葱建設計研究院 CADI .cadi.cc zhongyi@cadi.cc 86 10 8569 8415 CHINA ARTS AROHITECTURE DESGN RESEAROH INSTITUTE 大学是文化传播的中心,是人类的精神家园,现代大学的功能发生 变化,向集教学,科研和社会服务等功能于一身的综合性研究型大学的 方向演变.本书收录世界各地40余个经典大学建筑案例,包括教学楼、 图书馆、学生公寓、研究所等不同建筑类型.选用1500余张精美图片与 设计线腐,从建筑设计,功能布局、空间组织等多个角度对大学建筑进 行详尽地分析与解读,为建筑从业者提俱有效、准确的参考. University is the center of cultural transmission and man's spiritual homeland. The function of modern university is changed through these years.developing into a research-centered prehensive university integrating teaching science research social service and many other functions together.This book collects over 40 classic university architecture projects around the world including various building types such as teaching building library student dormitory. research center.With around 1.500 exquisite pictures and drawings.this book gives detail analysis and interpretation from various aspects such as architecture design function arrangement space organization.These information and...
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