Q/CCCC CORPORATE STANDARD OF CHINA COMMUNICATIONS CONSTRUCTION COMPANY LIMITED Q/CCCC ZH003-2018 Technical Specification for Application of Natural Pozzolan in Concrete 天然火山灰质材料在混凝土中的 应用技术规程 Published On:2018-12-21 Adopted On:2019-02-01 Published By:China Communications Construction Company Ltd. Corporate Standard of China Communications Construction Company Ltd. Technical Specification for Application of Natural Pozzolan in Concrete 天然火山灰质材料在混凝土中的 应用技术规程 Q/CCCC ZH003-2018 Prepared By:China Road and Bridge Corporation CCCC Fourth Harbour Engineering Institute Co. Ltd. Approved By:China Communications Construction Company Limited Adopted On:01/02/2019 PREFACE After extensive research and summarizing empirical experience with reference to international standards and advanced foreign standards and with wide solicitation of ments this Specification is made. Main contents of the Specification are:1.General Provisions;2.Terms;3.Production and Quality Control of Natural Pozzolanic Materials;4.Properties and Mixing Proportion Design of Pozzolanic Concrete;5.Construction;6.Quality Inspection of Concrete. This Specification is managed by China Communications Construction Company Ltd. the...
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