第34卷第3期 四川电力技术 Vol.34 No.3 2011年6月 Sichuan Electric Power Technology Jun. 2011 关于低压电网用电设备继电保护整定计算的探索 宋其,宋汉蓉,尹秦 (德阳电业局,四川德阳618000) 摘要:在10kV及以下系统中,继电保护配合时限级差较少,供电级数多,按照常规的继电保护整定原则编制一套合 理的保护整定方案,满足保护“四性”的要求有很大难度.而10kV系统的供电可靠性影响千家万户用电客户,影响 电力系统的优质服务和经济效益.所以正确、灵活运用保护整定计算原则,保证10kV及以下系统安全、稳定、可靠运 行非常重要,针对1kV线路、电弧炉变压器、电动机、电容器等供电设备的保护配置和整定计算,提出解决办法. 关键词:低压电网;保护;整定计算 Abstract:In 10 kV system and below the time-limit grade of relay protection matched is insufficient but the grade of power supply is vast.It is hard to draw up a rational protection program and satisfy the protection requirements of“four features'"ac- cording to the normal setting principle of relay protection.The power supply reliability of 10 kV system will affect millions of customers and affect the quality of service and the economic benefits.So it is very important to use the principle in a right and flexible way to ensure the safe stable and reliable operation of 10 kV system and below.Aiming at the protection alloca- tions and setting calculations of supply apparatus such as 10 kV lines are furnace transformers electric motors and capaci- tors the measures are put forward to settle the above mentioned problems. Key words:l...
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