164 电力与能源 第34卷第2期 2013年4月 基于500kV线路继电保护配置整定的仿真计算 唐瑞佳 (上海市电力公司市区供电公司运维检修部,上海200080) 摘要:作为电网传输电能通道的高压及超高压输电已经越来越普及,500kV及以上电压等级的线路保护已 经成为维护电力系统安全、稳定运行不可或缺的重要组成部分.在归纳典型高压线路主保护的理论基础上, 运用ETAP Powerstation软件进行短路计算,并根据该线路配置进行相应的整定计算,有效提高了保护整定 的计算效率.由于系统为动模实验室的综合仿真模拟系统,通过相应参数设置,能够较为真实地模拟电力系 统的实际情况,对继电保护的整定计算具有较大的参考价值. 关键词:线路保护;短路电流;整定计算 中图分类号:TMM773文献标志码:A文章编号:2095一1256(2013)02一0164一03 Implementation and Setting of the 500 kV Transmission Lines in the Dynamic Simulation Laboratory Tang Ruijia (Urban Power Supply Company of Operation and Maintenance Center SMEPC.Shanghai 200080 China) Abstract:As the transmission channel of power system high voltage and extra-high voltage power transmission is being more and more popular.The transmission line protection of 500 kV or higher voltage is being.an indispensably important ponent of the maintenance of the safe and stable operation of the grid.First this paper sums up the basic principle of classic main protection of high voltage transmission lines.Secondly it uses Etap Powerstaion 5.0.3 to pute the short circuit current.At last it implements the specific protection and then finishes the setting. With the result of short circuit current...
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