Smart Grid 第30卷第12期 电网与清洁能源 Vol.30 No.12 2014年12月 Power System and Clean Energy Dec.2014 文章编号:1674-3814(2014)12-0096-03 中图分类号:TM744 文献标志码:A 基于Hadoop分布式并行计算在继电保护 整定计算中的应用 俞京锋1,阮远峰1,于乐2,李雪冬2 (1.国网德清县供电公司,浙江德清313200;2.北京中恒博瑞数字电力有限公司,北京100085) Application of Relay Protection Setting Calculation Based on Hadoop Distributed Parallel Technology YU Jingfeng' RUAN Yuanfeng' YU Le2 LI Xuedong? (1.State Grid Deqing Power Supply Company Deqing 313200 Zhejiang China;2.Join Bright Co. Ltd. Beijing 100085 China) ABSTRACT:Timeliness of puting applications should be 对于浙江德清县调而言,采用常规的整定计算 also taken into consideration when relay setting ealculation is方法所消耗的时间将十分可观,极大地影响了调度 conducted for county-level power eompanies.To achieve rapid 计划的整体编制进程,提高其计算效率对提升调度 relay setting calculation Parallel puting technology is used. 计划应用的实用性有重要意义. First this paper gives a general introduction to the hardware 串行计算在大数据量,无论是/0密集型,还是 deployed to deliver possibility of realization for the parallel CPU密集型,单台机器处理的数据效率低下,时 puting and then based on Hadoop distributed parallel puting it introduces Hadoop software framework and task 间元长.同时漫长的处理时间导致更大的错误出现 deposition.Finally taking the relay setting calculation i...
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