第39卷第17期 电力系统保护与控制 Vol.39 No.17 2011年9月1日 Power System Protection and Control Sept.1 2011 大电网分区整定中电流保护范围的计算 张云勇,吕飞鹏,樊昆博,陈新 (四川大学电气信息学院,四川成都610065) 摘要:将大电网分解成若干个相互之间无电磁联系的子系统.在子系统整定计算中引入联络线注入电流用以考虑子系统之问 相互影响;采用补偿法引入补偿电流模拟网络操作;通过在故障点注入电流来模拟短路故障,建立起分区整定的通用计算模 型.并且导出系统内故障节点电压表达式,论述了表达式中未知量的详细求解过程、在此基础上,推导出短路电流与发生短 路故障点的关系式,通过解方程,得出电流保护的范围,简化了计算过程.通过实际算例验证该方法的正确性和有效性. 关键词:电力系统;继电保护;分区整定;保护范围 Current protection calculation for zone-division setting in large power system ZHANG Yun-yong LǖFei-peng FAN Kun-bo CHEN Xin (School of Electrical Engineering and Information Sichuan University Chengdu 610065 China) Abstract:The large grid is deposed into several subsystems without electromagnetic connections among them.In the setting calculation of subsystem the tie line is installed and the current injected to reduce the interaction between subsystems;the pensation current is introduced by using pensation method to simulate network operations.A general calculation model of zone-division setting is built by injecting current at the point of fault to simulate short-circuit fault.And voltage expression of internal fault node is derived and the detailed solving process of unknown value is int...