74 煤矿机电 2011年第5期 煤矿井下127V照明线路保护整定的计算方法 王惠东 (淮南矿业集团公司潘一矿,安徽淮南232082) 摘要:针对煤矿井下127V照明线路易着火、碳化自燃等现象,对其照明线路综合保护器二次 侧保险管的选择、线路电缆截面及保护距离等高度重视.阐述127V照明线路保护整定计算方法, 并提出超过电缆最长保护距离的解决措施. 关键词:保险管;电缆截面;保护距离;整定计算 中图分类号:TD623 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1001-0874(2011)05-0074-02 Research on Coal Mine 127 V Illuminating Line Protection Setting Calculation WANG Hui-dong (Panyi Mine Huainan Mining Group Co. Ltd. Huainan 232082 China) Abstract:In view of the phenomena such as easy to catch fire and carbonized spontaneous bustion of 127 V illuminating line at underground coal mine the majority mine pits to the 127 V illuminating line synthesis protector two sides protective tube's choice the line electric cable section and the protection distance are being taken seriously.The protection installation putational methods of 127 V illuminating line are introduced and the solution measures of over electrical longest protection distance are proposed. Keywords:protective tube;electric cable section;protection distance;setting calculation 式中:Ig——照明灯负荷电流,A; 0引言 Pxm—装灯最多的一相的装灯容量W; 淮南矿业(集团)公司下属煤矿都是高瓦斯矿 U一—额定电压,U=133V; 井,瓦斯爆炸、突出等灾害发生的可能性都比较高, c0s中=0.6. 其中井下127V照明线路由于电压低,经常发生着 127V照明电缆长时允许工作电流见表1. 火、碳化自燃等问题,严重威胁井下生产的安全.对...