第38卷第13期 电力系统保护与控制 Vol.38 No.13 2010年7月1日 Power System Protection and Control Jul.1 2010 电动机磁平衡式差动保护的整定计算 李斌,范瑞卿,贺家李 (天津大学电力系统仿真控制教育部重点实验室,天津300072) 摘要:传统纵联差动受电流互感器饱和特性的影响,实际应用中可能出现误动的情况.在与传统纵联差动保护相比较的基础 上,分析研究了电动机磁平衡式差动保护的工作原理及性能特征.通过对电动机正常运行、起动、以及区内外故障的分析, 给出了磁平衡式差动保护的整定原则.研究表明磁平街式差动保护能够大大提高电动机保护的灵敏性和可靠性. 关键词:电动机;纵联差动保护;磁平衡式差动保护;电流互感器;中性点不接地系统 Setting calculation of magnetic balanced differential protection of motor LI Bin FAN Rui-qing HE Jia-li (Key Laboratory of Power System Simulation and Control of Ministry of Education Tianjin University Tianjin 300072 China) Abstract:Affected by saturation characteristics of current transformer traditional differential protection may mis-operate sometimes. Based on the analysis of traditional differential protection this paper introduces a novel magnetic balanced differential protection. According to the investigation of normal operation start and external or internal fault for motor the paper researches the performance of magnetic balanced differential protection.Furthermore the setting principle is proposed.Theoretical research and industrial application show that magnetic balanced differential protection can improve sensitivity and relia...
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