内蒙古电力技术 2012年第30卷第2期 INNER MONGOLIA ELECTRIC POWER 25 继电保护整定计算中光伏发电站阻抗 的计算方法研究 侯瑞鹏,杨明玉,李丽,周庆捷2 (1.华北电力大学,河北保定071003;2.北京中恒博瑞数字电力科技有限公司,北京100096) 摘要:在光伏发电站接入配电网后,为方便配电网继电保护的整定计算,借鉴动态等值阻 抗的建模方法,将光伏发电站表示为戴维南等效电路,即一个恒定的电压源和其等值阻抗串 联的形式,计算光伏发电站的最小正序等值阻抗.并且在参考日照强度S=1000W/m2、参考电 池温度T=70℃条件下进行4组实验,对不同类型的光伏电池进行实测,与该数学模型的计算 结果进行对比.结果表明,采用该模型的计算误差在5%以内,能够满足工程中继电保护整定 计算的需要,验证了该计算方法的实用性. 关键词:光伏发电;配电网;继电保护;整定计算;数学模型;等值阻抗 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1008-6218(2012)02-0025-04 Impedance Calculation Method of Photovoltaic Power Station in Relay Setting Calculation Hou Ruipeng Yang Mingyu' LiLi? Zhou Qingjie2 (1.North China Electric Power University Hebei Baoding 071003; 2.Beijing Join Bright Digital Power Technology Limited Company Beijing 100096) Abstract:After photovoltaic station connected to distribution network for convenience of distribution grid relay protection setting calculation use dynamic equivalent impedance modeling method to express photovoltaic power station as the Thevenin's theorem that is to calculate the minimum positive sequence impedance of photovoltaic power stationwith a constant voltage source and its equivalent impedance in series form.Four sets of experiments are carried out under referen...