ICS91.100.01 CCS P32 JC 中华人民共和国建材行业标准 JC/T60013-2022 复层建筑涂料应用技术规程 Technical specification for application of multi-layer coatings for architecture 2022-09-30发布 2023-04-01实施 中华人民共和国工业和信息化部发布 JC/T 60013—2022 目 次 前言 III 1总则. .1 2术语 .2 3基本规定.… 3 4材料. ..4 5设计… 6 5.1一般规定.... 6 5.2构造设计.… . 6 6施工. . 8 6.1一般规定. 8 6.2基层处理.. 8 6.3施工.,. 9 7验收.… ......10 7.1一般规定.... 10 7.2主控项目... ......10 7.3一般项目... . ...10 附录A复层建筑涂料太阳光反射比现场检测方法… .12 用词说明. 引用标准名录 .........14 15 附:条文说明 . 17 JC/T60013—2022 Contents Foreword... ...............III .....1 1 General provisions ..2 2 Terms.... 3 Basic requirements........ ...3 ......4 4 Materials requirements .............. 5 Design....... ..6 5.1 General requirements. .6 5.2 Structure design..................... .6 6 Construction......... .8 6.1 General requirements............. .8 6.2 Base processing… ....8 6.3 Construction............. .9 7 Acceptance.… ..10 7.1 General requirements..… ..10 7.2 Master control items .......... .10 .....10 7.3 General items...... Appendix A Test mothod of solar reflectance for multi-layer coatings.…l2 Explanation of wording… ......14 :of. List of quoted standards...... ....15 ........17 II ...
JC/T 60013-2022 复层建筑涂料应用技术规程.pdf