2005年真题 I.Vocabulary(20 points) 1.Within days he became paralyzed and people feared that he might die.But he a.absorbed b.dissolved c.discovered d.recovered 2.Tilden the other presidential actually received more votes. a.advocate b.candidate c.sponsor d.opponent 3.An Olympic runner wins a a.medal b.model c.modle d.modest 4.To find out how the bees managed to tell time an unusual experiment was four years ago. a.carried on b.carried away c.carried out d.carried out 5.Every society has its own peculiar custom and of acting. a.ways b.behavior c.attitude d.means 6.They their knowledge in the exploding world of ideas. a.modernize b.supply c.update d.upgrade 7.I should like to rent a house modern fortable and in a quiet neighborhood. a.all in all b.above all c.after all d over all 8.It's difficult to divine what constitutes an tip in any country. a.appropriate b.thoughtful c.considerable d.sufficient 9.Shipbuilders would not their money unless they knew that they could make a profit. a.invest b.invent d.involve d.invite 10.At the end of four years these six extra hours of each year twenty-four hours or one full day. a.add up to b.make up for c.e up with d.put up with 11.Don't this ...
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