此内部保密资料,禁止公开传阅 CNPC English Proficiency TEST 2017 I.Vocabulary Section A Directions:There are some sentences inthis section.Below each sentence are four other words or phrases.You are to choose the one word or phrase which would best keeping the meaning of theoriginal sentence if it were substituted for the underlined word or phrase.Then mark your answer on the answer sheet. 1.Don't _your birth date mother's maiden name pet's name or any other identifying information on social media websites A.initial B.discover C.divulge D.break 释义:不要泄露你的生日、母亲的娘家姓、宠物的名字或其他任何涉及身份的信息 2.Also _your local police to file a report. A.contact B.tell C.discover D.seek 释义:也可以向当地警署举报 3.Business partners _their academic titles on their business cards. A.renounce B.announce C.account D.concentrat 释义:商业伙伴不会在他们的名片上写他们的毕业院校 4.sally is doing in all her courses. A.particular good B.particularly well C.particularly good D.particular well 释义:萨莉的课程都学得特别好 5.I_onions and potatoes in my sisters boarding house A.pale B.park C.peel D.peep 释义:我在我姐姐的公寓里剥洋葱和土豆 6.When doing business in the US you should take the following _into account. A.considerable B.conscious C.consumption D.considerations 释义:当你在美国经商时,以下的这些事情是值得考虑一下的. 7....
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