MSS SP-97-2019 Integrally Reinforced Forged Branch Outlet Fittings: Socket Welding Threaded and Buttwelding Ends Standard Practice Developed and Approved by the Manufacturers Standardization Society of the MSS Valve and Fittings Industry Inc. Since 1924 127 Park Street NE ④ Vienna Virginia 22180-4602 Phone:(703)281-6613 Fax:(703)281-6671 MSS STANDARD PRACTICE SP-97 This MSS Standard Practice was developed under the consensus of MSS Technical Committee 105 Forged Steel Fittings and the MSS Coordinating Committee.The content of this Standard Practice is the resulting efforts of knowledgeable and experienced industry volunteers to provide an effective clear and non-exclusive standard that will benefit the industry as a whole.This MSS Standard Practice describes minimal requirements and is intended as a basis for mon practice by the manufacturer the user and the industry at large.It is the responsibility of the user of this Standard Practice to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory requirements prior to use.The existence of an MSS Standard Practice does not in itself preclude the manufacture sale or use of products not conforming to the Standard Practice. Mandatory conformance to this Standard Practice is established only by reference in other documents such as a code specification sales contract or public law as applicable.MSS has no power nor does it undertake to enforce or ce...
MSS SP-97-2019 整体加强锻制分支引出端管件-承插焊式、螺纹式与焊式端头.pdf