PAS1882:2021 Data collection and management for automated vehicle trials for the purpose of incident investigation Specification ! 01 U O 9 Centre for Connected Autonomous Vehicles bsi. . Publishing and copyright information The BSI copyright notice displayed in this document indicates when the document was last issued. O The British Standards Institution 2021. Published by BSI Standards Limited 2021. ISBN9780539125108 1C543.040.10;43.040.01 No copying without BSI permission except as permitted by copyright law. Publication history First published March 2021 PAS1882:2021 Contents Foreword ii 0 Introduction-t. iv 1 Scope 1 2 Normative references................................................... 2 3 Terms definitions and abbreviation........................................... 3 4 Data sources 6 5 Data interfaces security and third-party access to data.2o 6 Information management........................................................22 Annexes Annex A(informative)Remendations for additional information.24 Annex B(informative)Background context to incident investigation ...30 Annex C(informative)Control and information diagram...................31 Bibliography 33 List of figures Figure 1-Example CAV trial IMP control and feedback model ...........8 Figure2-Data recording during trials.11 Figure3-Diagram indicating the acceleration axis coordinates..15 Figure A.1-Illustrative examples of A.8d)through A.8f)inclusive26 Figure C.1-Physical items (plants)..............
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