GUIDELINE ON THE APPROVAL OF NEW WELDING AND BRAZING MATERIAL CLASSIFICATIONS UNDER THE ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODEASME ASME根據鍋爐和壓力容器規範批准新焊接和焊銲填金屬料分類的指南 Code Policy.It is the policy of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee to adopt for inclusion in Section II. Part C only such specifications as have been adopted by the American Welding Society(AWS) and by other recognized national or international organizations.規範方針ASME鍋爐及壓力容器委員會的方针是:第l-C卷中包括的模淮只 是已被美國焊接學會(AWS)和其他認可的國家或國際機探用的那些標準 It is expected that requests for Code approval will normally be for welding and brazing materials(hereafter termed “consumables')for which there is a recognized national or international specification.For consumables made to a recognized national or international specification other than those of the AWS the inquirer shall give notice to the standards developing organization that a request has been made to ASME for adoption of their specification under the ASME Code and shall request that the organization to grant ASME permission to reprint the standard.For other consumables a request shall be made to the AWS or a recognized national or international organization to develop a specification that can be presented to the Code Committee.指望得到规範批准的申請通常應是已有認可的國家或 國際標準的材料對於按照AWS標準以外的認可的國家或國際標準製造的材料申請者應给標準制定機横一 個通知說明為在ASME規範中探用他們的材料標準已給ASME提出了申請並需該機横授予ASME該標 准的許可對其他材料向AWS或認可的國家或國際機橘申請制定能向規範委員會提出的檬准 It is the policy of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee to consider request...
中、英文版 ASME BPVC.II.C-2023 焊条、焊丝及填充金属 上冊 to SFA-A5.18.pdf