English Translation Version for Reference Only Number:CTSO-C20a Date of approval:Apr 29 2019 CAAC Approved by:Xu Chaoqun China Civil Aviation Technical Standard Order This China Civil Aviation Technical Standard Order (CTSO)is issued according to Part 37 of the China Civil Aviation Regulations (CCAR-37).Each CTSO is a criterion which the concerned aeronautical materials parts or appliances used on civil aircraft must ply with when it is presented for airworthiness certification. Combustion Heaters and Accessories 1.Purpose. This China Civil Aviation Technical Standard Order (CTSO)is for manufacturers applying for Combustion Heaters and Accessories CTSO authorization (CTSOA).This CTSO prescribes the minimum performance standards(MPS)that Combustion Heaters and Accessories must first meet for approval and identification with the applicable CTSO marking. 2.Applicability. This CTSO affects new application submitted after its effective date. Major design changes to article approved under this CTSO will require a new authorization in accordance with section 21.353 of CCAR-21R4. -1- English Translation Version for Reference Only CAAC CTSO-C20a 3.Requirements New models of Combustion Heaters and Accessories identified and manufactured on or after the effective date of this CTSO must meet the MPS qualification and documentation requirements in SAE International's Aerospace Standard AS8040B Heater-Aircraft Internal Combustion Heat Exchanger Type dated February 2013 as amended by app...
CTSO-C20a Combustion Heaters and Accessories.pdf