English Translation Version for Reference Only Number:CTSO-C69c Date of approval:Jun 4 2019 CAAC Approved by:Xu Chaoqun China Civil Aviation Technical Standard Order This China Civil Aviation Technical Standard Order (CTSO)is issued according to Part 37 of the China Civil Aviation Regulations (CCAR-37).Each CTSO is a criterion which the concerned aeronautical materials parts or appliances used on civil aircraft must ply with when it is presented for airworthiness certification. Emergency Evacuation Slides Ramps Ramp/Slides and Slide/Rafts 1.Purpose. This China Civil Aviation Technical Standard Order (CTSO)is for manufacturers applying for emergency evacuation slides ramps ramp/slides and slide/rafts CTSO authorization (CTSOA).This CTSO prescribes the minimum performance standards that emergency evacuation slides ramps ramp/slides and slide/rafts must meet to be identified with the applicable CTSO marking: Type I-Inflatable Slide Type II-Inflatable Slide/Raft Type III-Inflatable Exit Ramp Type IV-Inflatable Exit Ramp/Slide 2.Applicability. This CTSO affects new application submitted after its effective date. -1- English Translation Version for Reference Only CAAC CTSO-C69c Major design changes to article approved under this CTSO will require a new authorization in accordance with section 21.353 of CCAR-21R4. 3.Requirements. New models of emergency evacuation slides ramps ramp/slides and slide/rafts that are to be so identified and that are manufactured on or after the eff...
CTSO-C69c Emergency Evacuation Slides,Ramps, RampSlides, and SlideRafts.pdf