豁免 编号:E-005 日期:2018-07-06 局长授权颁发: 徐超群 A350-941飞机驾驶舱座椅豁免CCAR25-R425.562(b)(2) 本豁免根据中国民用航空规章《民用航空产品和零部件合格审 定规定》(CCAR-21)颁发. 1.生效日期 自颁发之日起生效. 2.豁免有效期 永久. 3.背景 CCAR25-R425.562(b)与CS25 admenta825.562(b)存在规章差异. CCAR25-R425.562(b)条要求: (b)凡批准在起飞和着陆时用于机组成员和乘客的每种座椅型号设 计,必须按照下述每一应急着陆条件,成功地完成动力试验,或根据类 似型号座椅的动力试验结果经合理分析给予证明.进行动力试验,必须 用适航当局认可的拟人试验模型(ATD)模拟乘员,其名义重量为77公斤 (170磅),坐在正常的向上位置. (1)向下垂直速率变化(△V)不得小于10.7米/秒(35英尺/秒);飞机 1/13 纵轴相对于水平面向下倾斜30度且机翼呈水平状态,在地板处产生的 最大负加速度必须在撞击后0.08秒内出现,并且至少达到14.0g. (2)向前纵向速率变化(△V)不得小于13.4米/秒(44英尺/秒),飞机 纵轴水平且向右或向左偏摆10度.取最有可能使上部躯干约束系统(在 安装的情况下)脱离乘员肩部的方向,同时机翼呈水平状态.在地板处产 生的最大负加速度必须在撞击后0.09秒内出现,并且必须至少达到 16.0g.若使用地板导轨或地板接头将座椅连接到试验装置上,则导轨或 接头相对于相邻的导轨或接头必须在垂直方向至少偏移10度(即不平 行)并且滚转10度. CS25 amendment825.562(b)条要求: (b)With the exception of flight deck crew seats each seat type design approved for occupancy must successfully plete dynamic tests or be demonstrated by rational analysis based on dynamic tests of a similar type seat in accordance with each of the following emergency landing conditions. The tests must be conducted with an occupant simulated by a 77kg (170 lb anthropomorphic test dummy sitting in the normal upright position: (1)A change in downward vertical velocity v)of not less than 10-7 m/s (35 ft/s)with the aeroplane's longitudinal axis canted downward 30 degrees with respect to the horizontal plane and with the wings level.Peak floor deceleration must occur in not more than 0-08 seconds after impact and must reach a minimum of 14 g. (2)A change in forward...
E-005 A350-941飞机驾驶舱座椅豁免CCAR25-R4 25.562(b)(2).pdf