高清PDF《沈祖炎文集》同济大学土木工程学院建筑工程系 2015年.pdf
公( 第1部分 热轧型钢结构 中国《钢结构设计规范》的发展历程 沈祖炎 (同济大学土木工程防灾国家重点实验室,上海200092) 摘要:本文回顾了我国《钢结构设计规范》的编制和历次修改过程,并对若干重要内 容在历次版本规范中的发展进行概述,包括设计方法、钢结构材料、结构分析、疲劳验算、 受弯构件的整体稳定、轴压构件的弯曲稳定、轴压构件的弯扭稳定、压弯构件的平面内稳定、 压弯构件的平面外稳定、受弯构件腹板的局部稳定和屈曲后强度、受压构件腹板的局部稳定、 受压构件的计算长度、节点及其计算、钢管结构和钢与混凝土组合梁等内容.分析表明,我 国钢结构设计规范与国外规范相比已毫不逊色,且具有明显的特色.同时,还分析了我国规 范取得进展的原因,最后对于我国规范的进一步发展作了展望,对主要修订内容提出了 建议. 关键词:钢结构;设计规范;规范修订 Development of the Chinese Code for Design of Steel Structures Shen Zuyan State Key Laboratory for Disaster Reduction in Civil Engineering Tongji University Shanghai 200092 China Abstract:The drafting process and the revisions of the national Code for Design of Steel Structures are reviewed.The development of important contents in different versions of the code are briefly introduced including design method materials structural analysis fatigue calculation overall stability of flexural members flexural stability of axially loaded members flexural and torsional stability of axially loaded members in-plane stability of beam-columns out-of-plane stability of beam-columns local stability of the web of flexural members and post-buckling strength of the web local stability of the web of pression members effective length of pression members detailing and calculation of joints steel tubular structures and posite steel and concrete members etc.These indicate that the Chinese code stands parison with foreign codes and has its special features apparently.Meanwhile the reason of the code progress is summarized...