粉煤灰综合利用 2010NO.6 FLY ASH COMPREHENSIVE UTILIZATION 题研 TiO2/粉煤灰的制备及其光催化性能研究 Study of the Preparation and Photocatalytic Activity of TiO -Fly Ash 李维艳,黄林,杨朋2,陈庆华 (1.昆明理工大学材料科学与工程学院,昆明650093;2.昆明理工大学理学院,昆明650093) 摘要:以钛酸丁酯、乙醇和硝酸为原料,制备出混合溶液(A)将其包覆于粉煤灰表面,高温煅烧即得到负载型二氧 化钛光催化剂.用X射线衍射(XRD)和扫描电镜(SEM)对粉煤灰的结构和成分进行了表征,以甲基橙的降解为模型反 应,分析了煅烧温度、保温时间、负载型二氧化钛催化剂的投人量和混合溶液A的投人量对光催化性能的影响.结果表 明,以粉煤灰为载体,采用适宜的制备方法和光催化降解工艺,负载型二氧化钛催化剂能够获得较高的光催化活性. 关键词:二氧化钦;粉煤灰;光催化性能甲基橙;包覆 中图分类号:T0426.62 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1005-8249(2010)06-0012-04 LI WEI yan' HUANG Lin' YANG Peng? CHEN Qing-hua'. (Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering Kunming University of Science and Technology Kunming 650093 China) Abstract:Supported TiOz photocatalyst was made by coating mixed solution A on the surface of fly ash partical.Mixed solution was made from Ti(OC4H9)4 C2H5OH and HNO3 named mixed solution A.Supported TiO2 photocatalyst was made by coating mixed solution A on the surface of fly ash partical and then was high-fired.Fly ash was studied by XRD and SEM to analyze its structure and position.The photocatalyt- ic activity of prepared supported TiO was evaluated using methyl orange and was analyzed the effect of the caleinations temperature holding time the input amount of supported TiO and mixed solution A.The result show that the photocatalytic activity of supparted TiOz was improved with using appropriate preparation method and photocatalytie degradation process. Key words:Titania Fly ash Photocatalytic property Methyl orange C...