粉煤灰综合利用 FLY ASH COMPREHENSIVE UTILIZATION 2010NO.3 北方微冻地区海工高性能混凝土耐久性研究 Research on Durability of Marine High Peformance Concrete in Northern Light Freezing Area 王立钢[1],施惠生[2],罗德龙[3],王迎飞[1] (1.中交四航工程研究院有限公司,广州510230;2.同济大学先进土木工程材料 教育部重点实验室,上海200092;3.山东高速集团有限公司,青岛266061) 摘要:研究了北方微冻地区某跨海大桥所采用的高性能混凝土体系的耐久性能,采用电量法及RCM法对高抗氯 盐侵蚀混凝土进行了评价;采用了快速冻融法及硬化混凝土气泡间距系数综合评价抗冻融破坏的高性能混凝土.根据 研究结论可知,大掺量矿物掺合料及适量的引气剂是改善北方微冻地区海工混凝土耐久性的有效措施. 关键词:电通量;RCM;快冻法;气泡间距系数;引气剂 中图分类号:TV431 文献标识码:A文章编号:1005-8249(2010)03-0009-04 (1.Engineering Technology Research Co.LTD.of CCCC Fourth Harbor Engineering Co.LTD. Guangzhou 510230:2.Key Laboratory of Advanced Civil Engineering Materials of Ministry of Education Tongji University Shanghai 200092:3.Shandong Hi-speed Group Co.LTD Qingdao 266061) Abstract:In this paper the chloride erosion resistance of high peformance concrete of a bridge in northerm light freezing area is researched by ASTM C1202 and RCM and the freeze-thane durability is resemrched by rapid freezing-thawing cyeles and air void spaeing factor.By these researeches it is concluded that the large wolume mineral admixtures and appropriate air-entraining agent can langely improve the durability of marine conerete in northem light freezing ares. Key words:ASTM C1202.RCM.rapid freezing-thawing cycles air void spacing air entraining agent 海工混凝土结构的损坏,一般是多因素协同作用构使用寿命达到100年的设计年限,该桥采用了适合 的结果,而这些因素又随着区域性的变化而不同.对北方地区的海工高性能混凝土体系,从而极大地提高 于南方的海工混凝土建筑物,氯盐侵人引起结构内部 了混凝土结构的耐久性. 钢筋锈蚀是影响该地区海工混凝土耐久性的主要因 本文研究了适合于北方微冻地区的海工高性能...