粉煤灰综合利用 2010 NO.5 FLY ASH COMPREHENSIVE UTILIZATION 专题研 宝钢Corex渣和常用矿渣性能的比较 Comparison of Properties between BAO-steel Corex Slag and Blast Furnace Granulated Slag 王振兴,张树青,吴是2,翟伟2 (1.同济大学材料科学与工程学院,上海200092;2.上海宝田新型建材有限公司,上海200942) 摘要:研究了宝钢Corex矿渣和常用矿渣的物理性能、易磨性、活性和自身水硬性.结果表明,宝钢Corex渣和常 用矿渣的化学成分比较接近.两种矿渣碱度均大于1,说明两者有较高的潜在水化活性.由于Corex渣具有较高的致密 性、含铁率和容重,使得Corex渣的易磨性较常用矿渣差.此外,在细度接近时,宝钢Corex渣的自身水硬强度略高于常 用矿渣,但Corex渣的早期活性指数明显高于常用矿渣,在比表面积为400~450m2/kg时,Corex渣的早期(3d、7d)活性 指数分别高于常用矿渣15%和20%以上,两者后期(28d)活性相差不大. 关键词:Corex渣;易磨性;活性;自身水硬性 中图分类号:TF534.1文献标识码:A 文章编号:1005-8249(2010)05-0006-04 WANG Zhen-xing' ZHANG Shu-qing' WU Min? ZHAI Wei? (1.School of Material Science Engineering Tongji University Shanghai 200092; 2.Shanghai Baotian Co.Ltd.of Building Materials Shanghai 200942) Abstract:The physical properties grindability activity and self-hydration activity of the blast furmace granulated slag and Corex slag in Bao- eel were studied in the paper.The result shows that the chemical position of Corex slag and blast fumace granulated slag is cloer.The alkaliaity of both of the slag is grenter than 1 so they have the potential hydration activity.Comparing with the blsst fumace granulated slag Corex slag has higher pactness iron content and bulk density so the grindability of Corex alag is lower than the former.In additicn in the same fineness the self hydrstion activity of Corex slag is a little higher than blast fumace granulated slag and the early activity index (3d 7d)of Corex is much hig...
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