粉煤灰综合利用 FLY ASH COMPREHENSIVE UTILIZATION 2013N0.3 专题研究 干湿循环和粉煤灰掺量对混凝土氯离子结合能力的影响* Influence of Fly Ash Admixture and Wet-dry Times on Chloride Binding Capacity of Concrete 张立明12,余红发2,何忠茂3 (1.吉林交通职业技术学院,长春130012;2.南京航空航天大学,南京210016; 3.甘肃土木工程研究院,兰州730020) 摘要:用自然扩散法测定了混凝土中的总氯离子和自由氯离子浓度,计算了粉煤灰混凝土氯离子结合能力,研究 了粉煤灰掺量、干湿循环次数对混凝土氯离子结合能力的影响.结果表明:随粉煤灰掺量的增加,混凝土对氯离子的结 合能力趋势是先升后降;且随干湿循环次数的增加而增大;粉煤灰掺量与干湿循环次数对混凝土氯离子结合能力不存在 耦合作用.因此,在盐湖地区的混凝土结构,建议选用掺加30%的粉煤灰混凝土. 关键词:粉煤灰;氯离子结合能力;干湿循环;盐湖地区 中图分类号:TU528.0 文献标识码:A文章编号:1005-8249(201303-0007-04 Zhang Li-ming.2 Yu Hong-fa He Zhong-mao (1.JiLin Communications Poly technic .Changchun 130012 China; 2.Science Research Institute of Civil Engineering in Gansu .Lanzhou .730020 China) Ahstract:The free chloride and total chloride of coneretes are determined with natural diffusion method The chloride binding capaei- ty of fly ash concretes are puted The influence of fly ash admixture content wet-dry cycle times on the chloride binding capability of conereted diseussed in this paper The results show that with the inerease of fly ash admixture content the chloride binding capacity of con- crete increase at first and then deerease the chloride binding eapacity of conerete inerease with the increuse of wet -dry cyele times;the chloride binding capacity of concrete doesn't exist coupling between fly ash admixture content and wet-dry eyele times Therefore .fly ash conerete with 30%fly ash content is remended for conerete structure in salt lake area. Key words:f...