粉煤灰综合利用 2013N0.1 FLY ASH COMPREHENSIVE UTILIZATION 专题研究 灰色理论预测锂渣高性能混凝土中锂渣的临界细度* Prediction of Grey Fheory on Critical Fineness of Lithium Slag in the High Performance Concrete with Lithium Slag 吴福飞,侍克斌,努尔开力依孜特罗甫,赵江涛,刘宝星 (新疆农业大学水利与土木工程学院,新疆乌鲁木齐830052) 摘要:采用灰色理论建立GM(1 1)模型来预测锂渣高性能混凝土中锂渣的细度,结果表明:通过GM(1 1)模 型预测出的锂渣细度与试验值吻合较好;并通过残差检验,相对误差均≤3%.比较GM(1 1)模型计算值与试验值,证 明这种灰色理论预测方法是简便易行的、可靠的、准确的,可以进一步探究应用于高性能混凝土其它性能的试验研究中. 关键词:灰色理论;预测;锂渣;细度 中图分类号:TU502*.4文献标识码:A 文章编号:1005-8249(2013)01-0006-03 WUFu-fei SHI Ke-bin NuerkailiY izite liopu ZHAO Jiang-tao LIU Bao-xing (The College of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering Xin jiang Agricultural University Urumqi 830052 China) Abstract:Using grey theory and establishing GM(1 1)Model to predict fineness of lithium slag in the high performance concrete with lith- ium slag The results shows that lithium alaga fineness through the GM(1 1)model of the prediction tallywell with experimental results.And through the residual inspection all the relative error are within 3%.Therefore it prones that the Grey theory prediction method is easy and conven- ient reliable and accurate.It can further explore other properties in the experimental research of the high performance concrete within lithium slag. Key words:Grey theory prediction lithium slag;fineness 自从1824年水泥的问世以来,混凝土在工程方面各领域.本文运用灰色GM(1 1)模型预测锂渣高性 的应用就得到了极大的关注.特别是2世纪以来,在能混凝土中锂渣的细度,在少量试验结果的基础上, 道路、桥梁、房屋、大坝等工程中的运用展示出了其优预测出锂渣高性能混凝土中锂渣的细度与试验值吻合 越性.目前混凝土已成为材料的中流砥柱,也是工程 较好. 中不可缺少的部分.但是对于混凝土的研究,还处于 试验阶段.而对于混凝土这种多...
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