粉煤灰综合利用 2010NO.6 FLY ASH COMPREHENSIVE UTILIZATION 诚验座用 炉渣基透水材料对Cr的吸附性能研究 Study of the Adsorption of Cr'on Slag-based Permeable Material 张小龙,张诚,龙昀光2 (1.西北工业大学理学院应用化学系,西安710129;2.西北工业大学明德学院,西安710124) 摘要:利用炉渣的性质制成炉基透水材料,研究对六价铬离子的去除效果.在试验条件下,分析骨料配比和水 泥的比例对样品的影响,确定在骨料配比(细粒:中粒=2:1)和对水泥的比例为2:1时,样品对重铬酸根离子的去除效 果较好,即1cm厚炉渣基透水砖对六价铬离子三次透过后的去除率高达78.50%,而对于10cm透水填料柱,一次性对高 浓度重铬酸根离子的去除率就可达到99.32%. 关键词:炉渣;重络酸根;吸附 中图分类号:X703 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1005-8249(2010)06-0026-04 Zhang Xiaolongl Zhang Chengl Long Yunguang? (1 School of Science Northwesterm Polytechnical University XianShaanxi 710129; 2 Northwestem Polytechnical University Ming De College XianShaanxi 710124) Abstract:The slag with its nature is made into permeable material and is stapied to study the removal effere of the hexavalent chromium ions.In the experimental conditions the paper analyses of the inpuenceof the ratio of aggregate and cement ratio on the samples determines the ratio of the aggregate fine:medium grain =2:1)and the ratio of cement are 3:1.The samples of the dichromate ion removal is better that is 1cm thick slag based on the hexavalent chroemiumion permeable brick as high as 78.50%removal rate through the post three times while the 10em permeable filler column once on the high concentrntion of dichromate ion removal rate can reach 99.32%. Key words blast fumace slag:dichromate adsorption C(VI)为吞入性毒物/吸入性极毒物,皮肤接触问题,而新发现的粉煤灰、炉渣在处理重金属废水都有 可能导致敏感;更可能造成遗传性基因缺陷,吸入可能很好的去除效果,且使环境资源得到重新利用,变废为 致癌,对环境有持久危险性.电镀、冶金、皮革鞣制、印宝.易国勋等利用电厂粉煤灰进行...