粉煤灰综合利用 FLY ASH COMPREHENSIVE UTILIZATION 2013N0.1 专题研究 玻璃粉在复合胶凝材料中的应用研究* Study on Application of Glass Powder in Complex Binder 刘数华12,白岩3 (1.建筑安全与环境国家重点实验室,北京100013; 2.武汉大学水资源与水电工程科学国家重点试验室,武汉430072; 3.宁夏水务投资集团有限公司,银川750001) 摘要:随着城市化建设的进程加快,产生大量废弃玻璃,如何回收利用这些废弃玻璃便成为当前的重要课题.将 玻璃粉作为矿物掺合料用于混凝土和砂浆中,不仅可部分替代水泥,还能改善试件的微结构和性能.本文通过强度试验 和EM测试,表明玻璃粉可用作矿物掺合料,而且具有火山灰效应和填充效应,进而改善浆体的微结构,提高试件的强 度. 关键词:复合胶凝材料;玻璃粉;强度;微结构;粉煤灰 中图分类号:TU528.041文献标识码:A 文章编号:1005-8249(2013)01-0003-03 LIU Shuhua BAI Yan (1.State Key Laboratory of Building Safety and Built Environment Beijing 100013; 2.State Key Laboratory of Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering Science Wuhan University Wuhan 430072; 3.Ningxia Water Investment Group Co.Ltd.Yinchuan 750001) Abstract:With the accelerated process of urbanization a large number of waste glass is genenated;how to recycle and reuse the waste glass is being an important subject.Glass powder can be used as mineral admixture in concrete and mortar which can not only replace part of ce- ment but also improve the microstructure and properties of the specimens.The strength and SEM testing results show that the glass powder can be used as mineral admixture and has pozzolanic effect and filling effect thus it can improve the microstructure and increase strength of specimens. Key words:Complex binder;glass powder;strength;microstructure;fly ash 城市垃圾中混杂着使用过的玻璃容器、玻璃灯泡、仅为大量减少城市固体垃圾找到了一条有效途径,而 玻璃板和阴极射线管等废玻璃.我国城市固体废料中且还会对发展绿色环保型建筑起到重要的推动作用, 有6%~11%为废弃玻璃[3.玻璃的化学性质十分稳具有很大的环境保护意义[3...
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