粉煤灰综合利用 FLY ASH COMPREHENSIVE UTILIZATION 2011NO.1 专题研究 粉煤灰微珠负载的Fe-TiO2光催化剂的制备及性能* Study of Preparation and Performance of Fe*-TiO Photocatalyst Loaded on Fly Ash Microsphere 黄静,薛茹君 (安徽理工大学化学工程学院,安徽淮南232001) 摘要:以TiC4为原料,粉煤灰微珠为载体,采用微乳液法制备了负载型F3掺杂纳米TiO2光催化剂.并研究了 不同掺杂量F-Ti02/粉煤灰微珠光催化剂的催化性能及回收再生次数.用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)观察粒子的形貌, 用能谱仪(ED5)分析了催化剂的元素含量,用分光光度计测定了催化剂对次甲基蓝的降解率.结果表明:F3接杂量 为0.25%时催化剂的光催化降解性能最高:回收催化剂随着其再生次数增加,F3*-Ti02在粒子表面上聚集长大,活性表 面积降低,催化降解性能下降;催化剂经3次再生后报度. 关键词:TiC;Fe3*-Ti02/粉煤灰微珠光催化剂;微乳液;制备 中图分类号:T0426.62 文献标识码:A文章编号:1005-8249(2011)01-0011-04 HUANG Jing XUE Ru-jun (School of Chemical Engineering Anhui University of Seience and Technology Huainan Anhui 232001) Abstract:With TiC4 as the raw material .fly ash microsphere as the support Fe-TiO/besd photocatalyst is prepared by reverse microemulsion.The influence of doping-amount and the recycle number on photocatalytie performance of Fe.-TiO /bend photocatalyst are stud- ied.The particles surface morphology is observed with scanning electron microscopy SEM).The content of the finite element of the particles is analyzed by EDS.The degradation rate of methylene blue is determined by spectrophotometer.The results show that catalyats have a higher degra- dation capacity for methylene blue when the Fe*doping amount at 0.25%.The surface roughness of the catalyat particle with grows up the in- cresse of regeneration times due to the agglomeration of the Fe3*-TiO2 which decreases the photocatalytic degradation performance.After three times...