粉煤灰综合利用 FLY ASH COMPREHENSIVE UTILIZATION 2010NO.6 试验用 粉煤灰浮选脱碳* Removing Carbon from Fly Ash by Floatation 荣令坤,张金山 (内蒙古科技大学矿业工程学院,包头014010) 摘要:通过一系列条件试验,最终确定“一粗一扫”浮选流程,选用轻柴油做捕收剂,粗选用量4000g/ 扫选 1200g/t 仲辛醇做起泡剂,粗选用量400g/t 扫选200g/t 粗选矿浆浓度100g/L 充气量0.30m3/八m2min) 得到最终 粉煤灰产品产率65.54%,烧失量4.21%,达到1级灰标准,粗选精碳产率19.85%,灰分58%,有一定的市场价值. 关键词:粉煤灰:脱碳:浮选 中图分类号:X773 文献标识码:A文章编号:1005-8249(2010)06-0015-04 Rong Lingkun Zhang Jinshan (School of Mineral Engineering Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology Baotou 014010) Abstract:The rougher-seavenger flotation circuit was confirmed finally through a series of conditioning tests.Light diesel oil was confirmed for collector the dosage is 4000g/t in rougher and 1200g/t in scavenger flotation.2-octanol was confirmed for the frother the dosage is 400g/t in rougher and200/t in scavenger flotation The pulp density was confirmed for100g/L aeration quantity(.30m3/m2mn the experiments goe the final fly ash product(productivity 65.54% loss on ignition 4.21%which reached the standards of tier one coal ash and the elean coal produetivity 19.85% ash content 58%which also had certain market value. Key words:Coal Ash removing Carbon floatation 粉煤灰是煤炭在发电厂锅炉中燃烧后排放的一种 人造火山灰材料.目前,全球粉煤灰的排放量之大,占 就包头市来讲,目前全市共有4个灰场累计粉煤 地之广,已经对环境造成了很大的危害.虽说粉煤灰 灰堆放量为4500万t左右,全部为电厂的湿排灰,碳 在电厂是废物,但是在建材、热工、筑路、铸造、冶金、化 含量都在14%左右,新排粉煤灰中,老机组仍然采用 工、环保等传统工业以及高科技领域有着广泛的应用,的是湿式排灰,品质仍然属于碳含量高的Ⅲ级粉煤灰. 尤其是在建材行业.但根据GB1596-1991《用于水泥 新机组多采用煤粉炉燃烧工艺,电除尘干式排灰,碳含 和混凝土中的粉煤灰》,水泥混合材用粉煤灰烧失量 量显著降低,一般低于5%,其中1级...