粉煤灰综合利用 FLY ASH COMPREHENSIVE UTILIZATION 2012NO.3 试验与应用 粉煤灰钢纤维增强砂浆的力学性能研究 The Research of the Mechanical Propety of Steel-fiber Reinforced Mortar with Fly Ash 谈海涛,姜征东2,毛悦,左俊卿 (1.同济大学智能与结构材料研究所,上海201804;2.江苏省水泥设计研究院,江苏南京210000) 摘要:介绍了钢纤维增强砂浆分别在钢纤维体积掺量为0、0.5%、1.0%、1.5%,粉煤灰质量掺量为0、10%、20%、 50%下的7d和28d抗折强度和抗压强度,揭示出钢纤维和粉煤灰接量对砂浆早期和后期强度和韧性的影响,得出钢纤 维和粉煤灰接量在一定的范围内有利于砂浆的增强增韧. 关键词:钢纤维增强砂浆;粉煤灰;抗折强度;抗压强度;韧性 中图分类号:TQ177.6*8文献标识码:A文章编号:1005-8249(2012)03-0037-03 Tan Hai-tao' Jiang Zheng-dong? Mao Yue' Zuo Jun-qing' (1.Institute of Smart and Construction Materials Tongji University Shanghai 201804: 2.Institute of Cement Design of Jiangsu Province Nanjing Jiangsu 210000) Abstract:Introduced the flexural strength and pressive strength of steel-fiber reinforced mortar for 7 days and 28 days.Meanwhile the volume fraction of steel-fiber are0%、0.5% 0%and1.5% the mass fraction are0% 10% 20%、50% respectively Then exposed the early and later influences of fraction to the strength and toughness and obtained that it was good for the strength and toughness of mortar at some extent. Key words:steel-fiber reinforced mortar:fly ush:flexural strength;pressive strength;toughness 砂浆、混凝土是准脆性材料,抗拉抗折强度低,韧P.042.5水泥,砂的细度模数为4.5,水为一般自来 性差,而掺人钢纤维是增强其韧性的最有效措施.众水,采用的粉煤灰是Ⅱ级粉煤灰,其化学成分见表1, 所周知,钢纤维的作用是桥接基体裂缝而改变其开裂 钢纤维的参数见表2. 行为,使得FRCC(Fiber Reinforced Cementitious - 表1粉煤灰的化学成分 /% posites 纤维水泥基材料)具有较高的强度和良好的韧 Si0:Ca0 Mgo FeO Al 0 SO Loss 性12.而粉煤灰作为一种利用率较高的水泥基掺合 48.334.371.655.3219.540.642.08 料,能够在水化期间发生火山灰效应,并且因为其形态...