粉煤灰综合利用 FLY ASH COMPREHENSIVE UTILIZATION 2012NO.1 专题研究 粗骨料颗粒堆积简化计算模型的研究 Research on the Simplified Computation Model of the Coarse Aggregate Particle Packing 姜曼2,张雄2,张永娟12,彭亦博13 (1.同济大学建筑材料研究所,上海201804; 2.同济大学先进土木工程材料教育部重点实验室,上海201804; 3.昆山市建设工程质量检测中心,江苏215337) 摘要:提出了一种粗骨料颗粒堆积简化计算模型.此模型将粗骨料颗粒特征化为椭圆形颗粒,利用定量体视学原 理采集粗骨料颗粒的形状特征参数,建立了骨料颗粒的堆积法则,设计了可以快速计算其堆积密度的计算方法,得到了 粗骨料实际堆积密度PR与虚拟堆积密度PV的修正公式PR=0.896PV8.697.经验证,修正后的虚拟堆积密度与实 际堆积密度的平均相对误差仅为0.32%,准确度较高.可利用此模型计算出的骨料堆积空隙率,进行混凝土配合比设 计. 关键词:粗骨料堆积;椭球形颗粒;简化计算模型;堆积密度 中图分类号:TU528.04 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1005-8249(2012)01-0009-06 JIANG Man.2 ZHANG Xiong'.2 ZHANG Yong-juan PENG Yi-bo.3 (1.Institute of Building Materials Tongji University Shanghai 201804 China: 2.Key Laboratory of Advanced Civil Engineering Materials of Education Tongji University Shanghai 201804 China; 3.Kunshan Construct Engineering Quality Testing Center Jiangsu 215337 China) Abstract:A simplified putation model of aggregate packing was built with the coarse aggregate being simulated as ellipse particle.The packing rule had been establiahed and the simplified method to calculate the packing density had been designed The packing density can be calcu- lated very fast after gathering the shape characteristic parametern from the picture of the aggregate based on the quantitative stereology.The model through which a modified formula pR =0.896pV8.697 was found out where the pR was real packing density and the pV was virtual packing density.The modified model was proved to be accurat...
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