粉煤灰综合利用 FLY ASH COMPREHENSIVE UTILIZATION 2012NO.3 试验与应用 高强度脱硫石膏复合材料制备与力学性能* Study on the Mechanical Properties and I'reparation of High-strength Desulfurized Gypsum Cumposites 曲烈,赵素宁,李剑,刘洪丽,李素 (天津城市建设学院材料科学与工程系,天津300384) 摘要:研究了材料参数和工艺参数对B型半水脱硫石膏水泥复合材料力学性能及结构特征的影响.结果表明, 型半水脱硫石音-水泥复合材料的28d抗折、抗压强度分别是9.38MPu和48.84MPa:掺磨细矿物B型半水脱硫石膏-水 泥复合材料的28d抗折、抗压强度分别为10.88MPa和67.67MP饿;其软化系数分别为0.93和0.81.结构分析表明,掺磨 细矿物B型半水脱硫石膏-水泥复合材料水化产物中,除二水硫酸钙外,还出现C-S-H凝胶和AFt晶体,这些胶体与品体 互相交织,降低孔隙率,提高了密实性和强度. 关键词:脱硫石膏;水泥:磨细矿物;力学性能:结构特征 中图分类号:TQ177.3*75文献标识码:A文章编号:1005-8249(2012)03-0003-04 Qha l.ie Zhao Suning Li Jian Liu Hongli Li Su Departmant of Materials Science and Engineering at Tianjin Institute of Urhan Construction Tianjin 300384 China) Abstract:The effects of material and proccse parameters on the mechanical peoperties and structural characteristics of semi-hyrlrate desul- furized gypsum-cement coraposite was studlied.The testing results showed that of B semi-hydrate desulfurized gypsum-cement coreposite 28-day flexural and pressive strength were 9.38 MPa and 48.84 Mpa respectively:meanwhile mixed with finer grinded minerals.28d flexural and coem- pressive strength of B semi-hydrate desulfurized gypsum-cement posites were 10.88MPa and 67.67 MPa;their softening coefficients are respee- tively (0.93 and 0.81.Struetural analysis indicated that mixed with finer grinded minerals the hydration produets of B semi-hydrate desulfuriaed gypeum-cement posites exeept di-hydrate caleium sulfste appeared CSH ...
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