粉煤灰综合利用 FLY ASH COMPREHENSIVE UTILIZATION 2011N0.3 高性能锂渣混凝土的试验研究* Experimental Study on High-performance Lithium slag Concrete 张善德,侍克斌,裴成元2,魏东3,王国强,努尔开力依孜特罗甫 (1.新疆农业大学水利与土木工程学院,乌鲁木齐830052;2.新额尔齐斯河流域开发工程建设管理局,830000; 3.新疆水利水电学校,830013) 摘要:通过理论分析和实验,研究了锂渣掺量对混凝土性能的影响.结果表明,锂渣能提高混凝土的强度,运用锂 渣等量代替一部分水泥(42.5R普通硅酸盐水泥)配制出28d抗压强度为80MPa以上,90d抗压达100MPa以上的高性能 混凝土,抗裂能力明显增强,锂渣单掺配制的混凝土能经受300次冻融循环而不破坏.研究的结论提升了锂流的价值, 为锂渣的应用提供有效途径,有助于制备高性能混凝土. 关键词:锂渣;高性能;抗冻性;抗渗性;混凝土 中图分类号:TU528.0文献标识码:A文章编号:1005-8249(2011)03-003-04 ZHANG Shan-de SHI Ke-bin PEI Cheng-yuan WEI Dong.WANG Guoqiang Nuerkailio Yiziteliopu (1.College of Hydraulie and Civil Engineering of Xinjiang Agriculture University Urumqi 830052 China.2.Irtysh River Basin Development Project Construction Authority of Xinjiang 830000;3.School of water and hydropower of Xinjiang.830013) Abstract:The paper studies the influenee of lithium slag alone on the conerete performanee of by theorial analysis and experimental method. The result shows that replacing a part of cement lithium residue in with concrete can improve the strength of concrete and can make high-perform- ance concrete whose28-day pressive strength is more than80 Mpe and9O-day pressive s trength is more thanl(0Mpa.The capacity of eruck resistanee is obviously enhanced.It is By the study which cant be destroied even through at 300 times freeze-thaw reeyeling.The value of lithium residue is increased providing helpful to the preparation of high-strength and high performance conerete...
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