粉煤灰综合利用 2012NO.3 FLY ASH COMPREHENSIVE UTILIZATION 试验与应用 高钙粉煤灰在小石峡水电站中的应用研究* The Application Research of High Calcium Fly Ash in the Stone Gorge Hydropower Station 鲁克恩,李双喜2,胡全2 (1.新疆水利水电勘测设计研究院,乌鲁木齐市830000;2.新疆农业大学水利与土木工程学院,乌鲁木齐市830052) 摘要:研究了高钙粉煤灰不同掺量情况下混凝土的体积安定性及高钙粉煤灰的最大掺量情况下,在不同水胶比、 不同擦量情况下混凝土的力学性能及耐久性性能.研究发现:掺高钙粉煤灰混凝土的安定性可通过测定其胶凝材料的 安定性来评定,加25%左右的高钙灰,所配制的混凝土的强度性能和体积稳定性都较好,随着水胶比的降低,楼高钙 粉煤灰混凝土同龄期的抗压强度逐渐增大:橡高钙粉煤灰灰混凝土具有良好的抗渗性能及良好的抗冻性能. 关键词:高钙粉煤灰;混凝土;安定性;抗压强度;耐久性 中图分类号:TU528.2 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1005-8249(2012)03-0006-03 Luke-en' Li shuang-xi Hu Quan? (1.Xinjiang Water Conservancy and Hydropower Survey and Design Institute 830000; 2.College of Water Conservancy and Civil engineering of Xinjiang Agricultural University 830052) Abstract:The volume stability of concrete of different proportion of high calciuen fly ash and the different water ratio and different doeage were Study.The results indicated that the stability of high performance concrete which mixed with high fly ash can be assessed hy determi- ning the stahility of its cememtitious material.The intension eapability and volume atability of concrete maxed with 25%quantity high caleiuam fly ash were preferable.The pression strength was inereased along with redueing of water cement ratio.The cancrete with high calcium fly ash has well impermeability and freexing-thawing resistance. Key words:high cabcium ly ash concrete:stability pression strength durability 高钙粉煤灰是火力发电厂采用褐煤或次烟煤作为况下,不同水胶比混凝土的力学性能及抗冻性能. 燃料时排放的一种氧化钙成分较高的粉煤灰.氧...