粉煤灰综合利用 2012NO.2 FLY ASH COMPREHENSIVE UTILIZATION 试验用 石灰石粉复合低品位粉煤灰矿物掺合料性能研究 Research on the Properties of Limestone Powder and Low-quality Fly Ash Mineral Admixture 郝雨杭,刘娟红 (北京科技大学土木与环境工程学院,北京100083) 摘要:对镁质石灰石粉复掺粉煤灰对混凝土的影响进行了研究.通过对不同比例矿物掺合料和不同比例石灰石 粉掺料下混凝土的工作性、强度和耐久性的试验和分析,研究石灰石粉复合低品位粉煤灰对混凝土性能的影响.试验表 明:镁质石灰石粉对系减水剂的适应性较差;掺人石灰石粉可以使混凝土获得更好的工作性能;矿物掺合料的比例达 到30%和40%时,石灰石粉在矿物擦合料中的比例大小对混凝土的强度影响不大;掺人石灰石粉的混凝土具有和掺入 粉煤灰的混凝土同样良好的抗氯离子性能和抗碳化性能. 关键词:镁质石灰石粉;适应性;工作性:耐久性 中图分类号:TV42*.3文献标识码:A 文章编号:1005-8249(2012)02-0022-04 Hao Yuhang' Liu Juan-hong? (University of Science and Technology Beijing.College of Civil and Environmental Engineering Beijing 100083) Abstract:The effect of magnesium limestone replacement of low-quality fly ash concrete was investigated.The workability.pressive strength and durability of concrete were analyzed baned on various proportions of mineral admixture and limestone powder.Testing results show: Magnesium limestone powder is poor on the adaptability of naphthalene super-plasticizer:Limestone powder can be mixed with the concrete to work better:When the mineral admixture radio get to 30%and 40% limestone powder in the ratio of pound mineral admixture size has little effect on the strength of concrete:The concrete mixed with limestone powder has the same good performance with the concrete mixed with fly ash in anti-Cl-and anti-carbonation properties. Key words:magnesium limestone powder:adaptability workability durability 石灰石粉是以生产石灰石碎石和机制砂时产生的品质指标见表2)、原状石灰石粉(细度为9...
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