粉煤灰综合利用 FLY ASH COMPREHENSIVE UTILIZATION 2010NO.4 专题研究 上海地区高等级公路沥青路面使用性能预测方法研究探讨* Study on the Asphalt Pavement Performance Prediction Methods of High-grade Highways 章华金,凌建明 (同济大学道路与交通工程教育部重点实验室,上海201804) 摘要:在分析评价现有路面使用性能预测模型的基础上,分别采用马尔可夫概率预测模型和灰色理论预测模型, 针对上海及类似地区高等级公路沥青路面进行使用性能预测分析.实例结果表明,马尔可夫概率预测模型受养护水平 与P℃频数的干扰较大而适用性不强,而灰色理论预测模型具有受测试数据样本量影响小、预测精度高及适用性强等优 点,因此更能适应上海及类似地区高等级公路沥青路面使用性能的预测,对公路养护决策具有重要意义. 关键词:高等级公路;沥青路面;路面使用性能预测;马尔可夫概率预测模型;灰色理论预测模型 中图分类号:U416.217 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1005-8249(2010)04-0005-04 Key Laboratory of Road and Traffie Engineering of the Ministry of Education Tongji University Shanghai 201804 China) Abstract:Based on the analysis and evaluation of existing pavement performance prediction models we make ase of Markov models and gray prediction model respectively to analyze the asphalt pavement performance of bigh-grade highways in Shanghai and the similar areas.The results show that the Markov model can be largely interfered by the conservation level and PCI frequency while the thearetical prediction of gry model is hardly affected by the test data of small sample size with high accuracy so that it can be widely used in Shanghai and the similar areas and is very important in desicion-making on rosd maintenance. Key words:high-grade highways;asphalt pavement:pwvement performance prediction:markov model:gray theory model 科学合理的路面使用性能预测模型有利于准确预 目前许多地区路面管理系统中采用较为完善的马 测路面使用性能的变化以及掌握路面进行大中修的最 尔可夫概率预测模型进行路面性能预测,鉴于上述所 佳时机,进而为制定养护计划提供可靠依据.国内外 介绍的各模型适用性,及上海及类似地区目前交通量 现有路...