粉煤灰综合利用 2011NO.2 FLY ASH COMPREHENSIVE UTILIZATION 试 用 偶联剂对聚吡咯在漂珠表面负载效果的影响 The Effect of Silane Coupling Agent on the Polypyrrole-coated Fly Ash Cenospheres 康晋芳,王冰,李琴,翟建平 (污染控制与资源化国家重点实验室,南京大学环境工程系,南京210046) 摘要:以漂珠(FACs)为基体,利用y一氨丙基三乙氧基硅烷(APS)对其表面进行处理,通过化学原位案合的方法 实现了聚吡咯(PPY)的有效负载,成功合成了PPY/APS/FACs复合材料.采用SEM、XPS以及TG表征分析了复合材料 的表面形态、化学成分以及热稳定性等.结果表明,相对于FACs而言,用APS表面处理过的漂珠基复合材料其PPY负 载址增多且热稳定性明显提高.本文亦研究证明引人聚乙烯吡咯皖酮(PVP)有助于抑制聚吡略低聚体的产生,使漂珠 表面形成规整的聚吡略层. 关键词:漂珠;硅烷偶联剂;聚吡略;表面处理 中图分类号:TB34 文献标识码:A文章编号:1005-8249(2011)02-0020-04 Kang Jinfang.Wang Bing Li Qin Zhai Jianping (State Key Laboratory of Pollution Control and Resource Environment Engineering Department Nanjng University Nanjing 210046) Abstract:The hybrid polypyrrole-coated aminopropyltriethoxysilane-modified fly ash cenosphere posites PPY/APS/FACs)were successfully synthesized by in situ polymerization method.Morphology chemical elements and thermal stability of these fresh materials were characterized by SEM XPS and TG respectively.The results indicate that the loading amount of polypyrrole in PPY/APS/FACs is three times more than that in PPY/FACs.Compared with PPY/FACs the thermal stability of PPY/APS/FACs is significantly improved.In this research we also prove that the introduction of poly vingl pyrrolidone PVP)helps restraining the formation of pyrrole oligomers and forming ordered polypyrrole layers on the surface of FACs. Key words fly ash cenoephere;silane coupling agent polypyrrole;surface modification 电子工业及信息技术等产业的迅速发展...