粉煤灰综合利用 FLY ASH COMPREHENSIVE UTILIZATION 2018N0.4 应用技术 注浆法在某既有桩基工程加固中的应用 Application of Grouting Method in Reinforcement of Existing Pile Foundation Engineering 贾文亮1,张志义2,周立欣3,陈名扬4 (1.河北建研科技有限公司,石家庄050021; 2.邯郸钢铁集团有限责任公司技术改造部,邯郸056003; 3.中国核电工程有限公司河北分公司,石家庄050021; 4.河北建研工程技术有限公司,石家庄050021) 摘要:参照柱端后注浆技术的工艺技术特点,即采用注浆泵通过预埋在桩端中的注浆管向桩端注入水泥浆液以达 到提高承载力,降低沉降的目的.通过分析一工程案例,将该技术引入既有桩基加固工程中,对比柱基加固前后试验数 据显示,桩端注浆加固后柱基竖向抗压承载力提升显著,达到了加固目的. 关键词:桩端后注浆;承载力;沉降;静载荷试验 中图分类号:TU472.6 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1005-8249(2018)04-0081-03 Jia Wenliang';Zhang Zhiyi?;Zhou Lixin';Chen Mingyang (1.Hebei Building Research Technology Co. Lad Shijiazhuang 050021; 2.HBIS GROUP HANSTEEL COMPANY Technical Modifications Department Handan 056003; 3.China Nuclear Power Engineering Co. Ltd.Hebei Branch.Shijiazhuang 050021; 4.Heibei Institute of Building Engineering Technology Co. Ltd. Shijiazhuang 050021) Abstract:In this paper with reference to the pile-end post-grouting technology characteristics namely using the grouting pump through embedded grouting pipe in the pile end to inject cement slurry to improve the bearing capacity achieve the goal of reducing subsidence.By analyzing an engineering case the technology is applied to existing pile foundation reinforcement engineering.Through paring the test data before and after the reinforcement of pile foundation the vertical pressive bearing capacity of pile foundation is improved obviously and the reinforcement purpose is achieved. Keywords:pile-end post-grouting:bearing c...
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