施工技术 2016年10月上 42 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第45卷第19期 D01:10.7672/js2016190042 填海区淤泥层高水位大直径灌注桩接长施工技术 李凯,王敬,沈明真,陈勇 (中国建筑第八工程局有限公司广州分公司,广东广州510665) [摘要]因设计变更,地下室层数由4层改为3层,部分已施工的工程桩需进行接长处理.分析了工程桩接长处理 的重点和难点,提出了一种安全可靠的施工方法,包括桩心的定位,钢护筒就位、压人、接长,人工挖土、破桩头,钢 筋笼绑扎以及混凝土浇筑,并提出了施工过程中的安全保障措施. [关键词]填海区;淤泥层;钢护筒;桩;施工技术 [中图分类号]TU753.3 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2016)19-0042-04 Construction Technology of Spreading Large Diameter Bored Caisson Pile with High Level Water in the Reclamation Area Li Kai Wang Jing Shen Mingzhen Chen Yong China Construction Eighth Engineering Dirision Co.Lad.Guangzhou Branch Guangzhou Guangdong 510665 China) Abstract:Due to the design alteration of the number of stories from four to three part of the piles which were finished need to be spreading for long.This paper analyzes the emphasis and difficulties of the pile spreading technology.And a safe and reliable method is proposed including how to find center point of each pile putting each steel casing in its right place and pressing down spreading the steel casing for long artificial digging getting rid of each pile head binding Reinforcement cages and concreting.This paper puts forward measures to ensure the safety of the construction process. Key words:reclamation area;silt stratification;steel casing;piles;construction 1工程概况 在坑中坑土方开挖前进行接长处理,实际挖孔深度 南方金融传媒大厦位于珠海市横琴岛北侧填 9.6 11.2m. 海区,本工程地下室原设计方案为4层,基础桩为混 表1需处理的工程桩 凝土灌注桩.在桩基础施工过程中,由于设计图纸 Table 1 Piles need to be dealt with 变更,4层地下室改为3层,导致在变更前施工的灌 序号 桩径/mm 数量/根 处理段长度/m 注桩桩...
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