2014年7月上 施工技术 第43卷第13期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 123 D0I:10.7672/sgjs2014130123 天津华侨城欢乐谷水公园钢结构非线性 空间扭曲桁架施工技术 张伟,兰小龙 (中冶天工集团有限公司,天津300308) [摘要]天津华侨城水公园大馆为蜂窝形焊接球双层钢网壳结构,由不规则三扁球相贯组合而成,网壳水平面投影 为3个相交的圆,而交线位置即为非线性空间扭曲桁架.在充分认识空间扭曲桁架结构形式的基础上,通过运用 三维建模、空间坐标转换、胎架制作、仿真分析、卸载、应力与应变监测等技术,来完成桁架的现场拼装、组对,高空 安装及卸载、监测工作,取得了较好的效果. [关键调]钢结构;桁架;空间扭曲桁架;模拟;监测;施工技术 [中图分类号]TU758 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2014)13-0123-04 Construction Technology of Nonlinear Space Distortion Truss in Tianjin OCT Happy Valley Water Park Zhang Wei Lan Xiaolong (MCC Tiangong Group Co.Ltd.Tianjin 300308 China) Abstract:The honeyb-shaped steel of Tianjin OCT Water Park is welded steel mesh ball double-shell structure consisting of three flat balls intersection irregular bination.The horizontal projection of shell are three intersecting circles while the cross-line position is the nonlinear space distortion truss.Based on the understanding of space distortion truss structure the authors successfully plete truss site assembly fitting high-altitude installation and unloading monitoring with three-dimensional modeling spatial coordinate transformation assembly jig making simulation analysis unloading stress and strain monitoring technology.Engineering practice shows that good effect is obtained. Key words:steel structures;truss;space distortion truss;simulations;monitoring;construction 1工程概况 间结构形式如图2所示. 天津市东丽湖华侨城生态欢乐岛水公园大馆2施工部署及工艺流程 工程,外观呈3个半椭圆球相贯形体,如图1a所示,2.1施工整体思路 结构设计为落地式双层球形弯顶网壳结构.大球 为保证工期、减少高空作业量及构件运输成 跨度140m 两侧小球跨度8...