施工技术 2016年4月下 22 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第45卷第8期 D0I:10.7672/8js2016080022 天津周大福金融中心钢板剪力墙及 巨型柱模板设计 陈海涛1,柯子平2,裴鸿斌2,陈学光2,于海申2,刘鹏2,崔爱珍2 (1.天津滨海新区轨道交通投资发展有限公司,天津300457; 2.中国建筑第八工程局有限公司天津分公司,天津300452) [摘要]天津周大福金融中心工程塔楼地下室核心筒钢板剪力墙及巨型柱截面尺寸大,且受钢管柱、钢骨柱、钢板 等钢构件影响,模板加固难度大,节点处理复杂.从模板选型、对拉螺栓设计及布置等方面介绍了塔楼地下钢板剪 力墙、巨型柱等竖向大截面构件模板施工工艺,应用效果良好.重点介绍了结合对拉螺栓布置原则进行过灰孔深 化、对拉螺栓设计与螺杆类型的选择、模板螺杆接驳器设计、确定模板加固体系、模板加固体系节点设计等技术 措施. [关键词]高层建筑;钢板剪力墙:巨型柱;模板:设计 [中图分类号]TU755.2 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2016)08-0022-04 The Steel Plate Shear Wall and Huge Pillar Formwork Design of CTF Tianjin Financial Center Chen Haitao' Ke Ziping2 Pei Hongbin2 Chen Xueguang2 Yu Haishen2 Liu Peng2 Cui Aizhen2 (1.Tianjin Binhai New Area Rail Transit Investment Development Co.Lad.Tianjin 300457 China; 2.Tianjin Branch of China Construction Eighth Engineering Division Co.Ld.Tianjin 300452 China) Abstract:The core tube steel plate shear walls and huge pillar of CTF Tianjin Financial Center tower building basement have large cross-sectional dimension which are affected by the steel ponents as steel tube columns steel reinforced columns and steel plates.So the formwork strengthening is difficult and joint processing is plex.The construction technologies for vertical large section structures formwork design are introduced from the selection of formwork and bolt reinforcement design with good results.The technique methods for the ash hole deepening bining with the principle of bolt arrangement the selection of bolts the formwork bo...