2010年9月 施工技术 第39卷第9期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 天津市地下工程中地下水的影响及控制 郑刚 (天津大学建工程学院,天津300072) [摘盈]天津市近年来多项重点工程深基坑具有规模巨大、环境条件复杂、施工盈求较高等特点.天津地区地基土 变化比转,济送系数查化大地下潜水位埋深溪,浅都的粉土或砂土中的地下水具有搬承压性,承压水头 鼓高.潜水与嫩承压水的相豆海透补又进一步增加了地展条件的复性.容易出现因流砂、管、抗底失稳、悦 壁得诉等而引起童大工程事故,降水引起沉降过大,道成周围地下管线和建(构)筑物破怀.园此,深基院工程地下 水控制是天津市基工程中最具风降和施战性的部分,深入了解天津市地下水分布及其特拉至关重委.对天津市 地下水分布及特性进行了介,在此卷础上总结了天津市地下水处治的经的与略. [关键词]地下工程:深基悦:地下水:承压水 [中图分类号]TU46:U453.6 [文献标识码]A [交章编号]1002-8498(2010)09-0001-07 Influence and Control of Underground Water in Underground Engineering of Tianjin Zheng Gang (School of Civil Engineering Tianjin University Tianjin 300072 China) Abstract:The deep foundation excavations of several major projects in Tianjin have characteristics of large size plicated surrounding conditions and high requirements on construetion.The foundation soil in Tianjin is plicate with variety permeability coefficient.Moreover the infiltration and recharge of underground water with shallow level and confined water in shallow silt or sand layers inerease the plication of geological conditions.Then large engineering accident may be caused by quicksand piping instability or collapse of foundation excavation and excessive settlement owing to the dewatering will bring destroy of adjacent pipelines or structures.Thus it is necessary to research the distribution and features of underground water and underground water control is the key work in foundation exeavation projeets of Tianjin.Based on introduction of distribution and c...
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