施工技术 2013年4月下 82 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第42卷第8期 D0:10.7672/sgjs2013080082 天津某深基坑工程群井抽水试验研究 林波,丁月双,李连营,叶竞雄 (天津市勘察院,天津300191) [摘要]日前随着基坑开挖深度不断增加,天津地区越来越多的深基坑涉及到承压水.通过对一个深基坑群井抽 水试验模拟基坑施工降水的一个降水单元,综合分析了单井出水量、各层位观测井水位降深、地面沉降量等观测数 据,结果表明承压含水层与相邻土层之间的水力联系是比较明显的,试验区内沉降相对较大,并总体呈向试验区外 逐渐减小的趋势,抽水结果对地面沉降影响不大.论证了天津地区承压水群井抽水试验的意义及对深基坑降水的 重要性. [关键词]深基坑;承压水;群井抽水试验;孔隙水压力;沉降 [中图分类号]TU463 [文献标识码]A[文章编号]1002-8498(2013)08-0082-04 Test Study to the Group Wells Pumping for a Deep Foundation Excavation Project Lin Bo Ding Yueshuang Li Lianying Ye Jingxiong (Tianjin Institute of Geotechnical Investigation Surveying Tianjin 300191 China) Abstract:With the continuous increasing of the excavation depths more and more deep foundation excavations in Tianjin district involved confined water.A group wells pumping test was arranged in a deep foundation excavation to simulate one dewatering unit in the foundation construction.With this test single well water output water levels of wells at different layers and ground settlement etc.are analyzed.The result shows obvious connection between the water pressure of the confined aquifer and that of adjacent soil layers.Relatively high ground settlement was observed in the test area and the settlement reduces gradually when the test location moves away from the test area.The pumping has little effect to land subsidence.It demonstrated the significance of confined water group wells pumping test and its important influence to the deep foundation excavation dewatering...