2015年11月上 施工技术 第44卷第21期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 19 D0l:10.7672/sgjs2015210019 天津环球金融中心工程建造关键技术 周予启,刘卫未,王晶 (中建一局集团建设发展有限公司,北京100102) [摘要]天津环球金融中心工程高336.9m 地下4层,地上75层,现为华北第一高楼,同时也是目前世界上采用钢 管组合柱和纯钢板剪力墙的最高建筑.结合工程建设难点,详述了从基坑围护,桩基施工,结构施工等建造各阶段 的创新技术成果,包括软土地区超深基坑施工技术,超长大直径工程桩施工技术,超厚大体积混凝土底板裂缝控制 施工技术,超高层全焊接纯钢板剪力墙施工技术,超高层钢管混凝土柱施工技术等. [关键词]高层建筑;软土;深基坑;大体积混凝土;纯钢板剪力墙;钢管混凝土;顶升混凝土 [中图分类号]TU94 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2015)21-0019-06 Key Construction Technologies of Tianjin World Financial Center Project Zhou Yuqi Liu Weiwei Wang Jing (China Construction First Dipision Group Construction Development Co.Lid.Beijing 100102 China) Abstract:Tianjin world financial center project is designed with height of 336.9m with 4 layers underground and 75 layers above ground as the first high-rise building in North China moreover it is the current highest building using steel tube posite columns and pure steel plate shear wall construction. Combined with engineering construction difficulties the construction technology of deep foundation excavation pile foundation construction and construction technology of ultra deep foundation excavation in soft soil area construction technology of super thick and large volume concrete floor slab construction technology of steel reinforced concrete column and steel tube concrete column are introduced. Key words:tall buildings;soft soil;deep foundation excavation;mass concrete;pure steel plate shear wall:steel tube concrete:roof lift concrete 1工程概况 建筑集办公、公寓、餐饮、商业为一体,整...
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